
Thank you for supporting our mission!

As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, all donations are used to support Kaleidohope and are tax deductible. Thank you for assisting us in helping students and families overcome barriers. You can also donate by sending your donation to PO Box 25, Bondurant, IA 50035.

KaleidoHope Learning and Resource Center, has established the Growing Reading and Academic Support Scholarship Program (GRASSP) for students with a financial need which inhibits them from receiving additional educational supports.

KaleidoHope specializes in working with individuals with a language-based learning disability or those who have otherwise struggled to learn to read. As a nonprofit, KaleidoHope relies on GRASSP to provide this much needed service to those who would not otherwise be able to receive these services due to financial constraints. GRASSP ensures no student is turned away from educational assistance and substantiates our philosophy that no student should be excluded from receiving additional educational assistance due to a lack of financial resources. A cornerstone to KaleidoHope is the belief that everyone should have access to learning assistance no matter their economic status or learning ability and therefore utilizes a sliding fee scale.

KaleidoHope owners work with the students and their families to devise a plan based on what they are able to contribute to the cost and then supplement that amount with scholarship funding. We believe contributing to the fee provides ownership in the process and builds self-esteem and worth. GRASSP provides student scholarships or partial scholarships for learning sessions to those families who have a financial need.

Because of your generosity,

  • 23 Students received 261 Learning Sessions from January 1 through October 2023
  • Six Learning Specialists received half of their registration fee to attend the three-day Wilson Reading System Training
  • Consumable student workbooks, materials, and teacher manuals were purchased

Thank you for your continued support!